My Music:

This modular improvisation showcases the Rhythmic Chords alternate instrument for the Qu-Bit Nebulae.

Modular Improv. Featuring Qu-Bit Nebulae RhythmicChords Firmware

This is a piece of music composed using my modular synthesizer. It is a recording of me performing an idea once I made the patch. There is no external DSP. Quick overview of the patch if you're interested: Qu-bit nebulae in loop mode playing a piano recording I made. Braids and Jupiter Storm through the MMG generating percussive Noise and sweeps. Arturia Microbrute doing clicking, kick drum-y stuff and bass sequence. Maths is doing almost all of the hard work sending cv around the patch. Output is going through the Delay on the RT60 Enjoy!

Modular Improv. Featuring Me playing piano sampled using the Qu-Bit Nebulae.

Moody music featuring the microbrute and various eurorack modules. Everything is sampled hardware with the exception of the piano.

Composition. Featuring sounds from Modular, and elsewhere.

This is an improvisation I did on my modular system in tandem with the Make Noise Shared System a little while ago. I used a prototype sequencer I'm building in Max to drive the pitches. There is no external processing. If you enjoy this, I recently released a four-part work titled, Landscapes. The work is available for streaming here, and for purchase at

20 Minute Modular Improv.


Title: ToCrossTheMoonsOfSaturn Duration: 4:37 Genre: SoundScape I was inspired by the discourse between the stillness of space and the chaos of the things inside of it. This piece was performed live on Modular Synth into Ableton Live on two channels. The audio sample you hear in the beginning is a recording of a gong being played, being processed through the Qu-Bit Nebulae. The kick drum is coming from peaks. The large bass sound is the DPO going through the Echophon, and then being heavily low pass filtered. Both of those modules are being heavily modulated by control modules. There is also a plucked sound that appears, which is from the Braid’s going into the Phonogene. You can also hear two channels of the Jupiter Storm, one going through the MMG and the other straight. These come through as percussive sounds throughout the piece, especially in the middle. Musically, I’m playing with the idea of context. The bass takes us through the piece from beginning to end, and its strength is effected by the sounds that it is surrounded by at any given point. I also use the stability of time to create drama in the piece. There are very few points where the is an entirely steady pulse, the rest of the time the pulse is warped in a pattern of breaths throughout the piece.

Modular Improv.


More Coming Soon....